Save time and remove the guesswork when installing new doors into existing frames with the Milescraft Hinge Jig. This self-clamping jig comes with everything needed to rout hinge and latch mortises onto new doors. The self-clamping feature holds the Hinge Jig in place while routing without the use of screws or nails that can leave holes in a finished door. To use, place the mortise selector in the correct size position, set the backset plugs to the door setting, clamp, and rout. Create perfect hinge mortises in 2.5”, 3”, 3.5”, 4” and 4.5” sizing on both 1-3/8” and 1-3/4” doors. Easily change between 1/4” and 5/8” radiuses by routing on different sides of the jig. Rout on the left for one radius, and the right for the other. Built in depth settings makes sure that you cut to the right depth every time. The HingeJig also comes with drop in templates to rout latch mortises. Remove the hinge selector, set the backset plug to latch, and drop in the template that has one of three common door latch sizes. When the job is done, snap the router bit and separately available hinge bit into the built-in storage for convenient retrieval. For fast, easy, and accurate door installation, turn to the HingeJig for your next project.