This 7/16" plastic spout is shortened for use with spout adapters and the new 3/16" tubing Check Valve Adapter, in a two piece spout system.
The two piece spout systems offer a better system for tapping and limit the effects of bacteria in the tap hole. Ultimately, bacteria will seal the tap hole and end your season, but with a two piece spout system, the tip of the spout that goes into the tree can be changed out with a new bacteria-free tip each year.
By using the Check Valve Adapter with the Stub Spout, production will also be maximized, because sap that has reached the bacteria-filled drop line and permanent stubby spout will not flow backwards into the tap hole, infecting it and starting the closure process prematurely. The Stub Spout also helps to limit the distance that the spout and drop line stick out from the tree, so that falling tree limbs and ice are less likely to do damage to the tubing, or to pull the spout out of the tree.
The Stub Spout is installed into the adapter by pushing it into the cup on the adapter as you turn the fitting a quarter twist. A very light wrist tap with a hammer may be needed needed to finish seating the stubby spout into the adapter, should a leak appear during the season.
Stub Spout for 3/16"
Maple Sugaring Supplies
0.02 lb